What’s in BOSS’s mind? #4 Building an Engaging Team【PROHR會員專享活動】



分類: , 貨號: PHR-A0003-1




老細心,海底針? 老細們到底在想甚麼? 


如何建立及經營一間企業? 經營路上遇上甚麼成功與挫折? 面對人事管理的挑戰,他們是如何面對? 今天的HR必須走進企業策略層面,在此活動中,我們將定期邀請不同企業的高級管理人員與PROHR會員進行輕鬆交流、分享他們的經歷。各位將有機會接觸到不同行業的管理人員,了解更多管理及商業思維,相信對HR的事業必有助益。


#4 Building an Engaging Team


“Happy Staff, Happy Customer. In the word enterprise 企業, 企 is composed of 人止, without People, business stop.


Having an engaging team is essential for long term business success. It is easy if you know how.
With a clear mission & purpose, through trust building, empathetic listening and appropriate empowerment, this will work like a magic.”




Mr. Stephen Leung

Country Manager of Pfizer Hong Kong & Indonesia


Stephen is the Country Manager of Pfizer Hong Kong & Indonesia, who has over 38 years of executive experience in four different continents.

Under his leadership, Pfizer HK won the prestigious HKMA Quality Gold Award, Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Gold Award, Best Companies to Work for in Asia and Chief Happiness Officer (“CHO”) Award.

Currently, Stephen is the Chairman of Chinese University, School of Pharmacy Advisory Board; Consultative Committee of School of Nursing, Council Members of various management associations including the College of Health Service Executives and the HKMA K.S. Lo College.

Stephen is a pharmacist by profession. In addition, he is a Registered Corporate Coach and passionate in inspiring people to unleash their potential to the fullest. Stephen is honored with the Asia Coaching Leadership Excellence Award in 2015, the Leader of the Year Award 2016 and most recently Exemplary Leader Award by Global HR Excellence Award 2021 in recognizing his visionary leadership and unremitting contribution to the industry.




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