
【HR Executive Talk】管理新世代的「情與理」



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甚麼是HR Executive Talk?


HR Executive Talk為一個為HR而設的互動網上節目,我們將定期邀請行內的HR Executive ,就不同人力資源主題分享經驗,或HR個人事業發展的故事。吸收一個又一個的成功經驗,參考他們的成功之道,為HR同行者注入新啟發。參加者亦可於節目中一起討論,發表意見。






1. 組織文化從欣賞開始
2. 情理兼備的衝突管理
3. 新世代的邀請與同行
4. 留住人才的靈活策略


嘉賓 Guest:


Winnie Wong
Director of People and Culture
East Hong Kong, Swire Hotels Group


Winnie is a passionate all-rounded HR professional with an 20-year experience in the hospitality industry.  She sees employees not as resources to a company but as beautiful and unique individuals who need engagements and nourishments from the heart. 


Having showcased her work dedication and proved her leadership with reputable hotel brands and restaurant groups, she now heads and directs the HR operations in EAST Hong Kong and EAST Residences, a hotel property and a service apartment under the Swire Hotels Group.  In the 10 years since joining Swire Hotels, she weathered through all ups and downs and stayed committed to her management, her team and everyone in the Group. 


Being a self motivator, she never fails to inspire everyone to grow together with the company.  As a keen learner, she is a strong believer in life-long learning and will always integrate her new knowledge to all she loves.  With such passion in her belief, she built an appreciation culture in the Group and nurtured it for everyone well beyond just their work.





日期:2022年7月13日 (直播節目,不設重溫)

時間:8:00pm – 9:00pm

售價 : 費用全免 (PROHR HK$399 HK$499 (Free Member) 

HRCoins最高折扣: 5%

直播工具: Zoom

重溫: 直播後7個工作天內上載,可收看30天





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