【HR 60mins+網上講座】The Art of Upward Management 向上管理的藝術 (16/10/2024)


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甚麼是HR 60mins+?


HR 60mins+ 定期為HR製作的微講座,以60分鐘時間探討與HR相關的專題,令參加者短時間內獲得知識精華。


本月主題: The Art of Upward Management 向上管理的藝術


HR需平衡公司與同事的利益,與上司及企業老闆的關係十分關鍵。我們如何了解老闆的心意? 如何建立更好的關係? 如何尋找合適的溝通方法? 以獲得更大的信任,從而令我們處理HR工作更暢順? 我們今次邀請了Konica Minolta前總經理,同時為暢銷書「我要做MD」作者Mr. Robert IP為我們分享他多年的實戰經驗。


  • 如何了解你的上司及上司的期望?
  • 尋找有效的溝通方法與意見不合時的表達策略。
  • 建立信任關係的關鍵是甚麼?
  • 我作為下屬時,如何與上司建立互信?




Mr. IP Cheuk Hung, Robert

President of Industry & Technology Committee

Hong Kong General Chambers of Commerce


Robert joined Minolta (HK) Limited in 1990 and became the Managing Director of KMHK in March 2016, leading a team of over 800 employees. He was the sole non-Japanese Managing Director in the Asia-Pacific region.


Robert successfully transformed KMHK into a business solutions expert, providing total solutions to help customers enhance their efficiency and productivity. In 2014, he pioneered the establishment of “iTransform Station,” the first social enterprise operated by a multinational corporation (MNC) in Hong Kong, which employs hidden youth and helps them integrate into society.


Robert holds an MBA from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a Master’s degree in Information Systems from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


He is also a columnist for the Hong Kong Economic Journal. His book, “我要做MD,” is a bestseller in management. He shares his management philosophy and real-life stories from the business world, aiming to inspire young professionals in the workplace.





時間:8:00pm – 9:00pm

售價: 費用全免 (PROHR會員)   $799* (基本會員)  


直播工具: Zoom

重溫: 30天 (重溫將於直播後7天上傳)

