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甚麼是HR Executive Talk?
HR Executive Talk為一個為HR而設的定期互動網上節目,我們會邀請行內的HR Executive ,就不同人力資源主題分享經驗,或個人事業發展的故事。吸收一個又一個的成功經驗,參考他們的成功之道,為HR同行者注入新啟發。
在疫情期間,很多行業也面臨巨大挑戰,相信無人會否認當時對航空業的衡撃比大部份行業更巨大。面對如此巨大的衡撃,當時人力資源部門是怎樣協助公司應對挑戰? 轉眼來到後疫情時代,需求重新出現又是另一個新的挑戰,我們如何從人力資源角度出發,為業務恢復競爭力? 今次我們邀請了香港航空的Viola Wong (Director, Human Resources & Administration),分享她在疫情及後疫情時代的寶貴經驗。
Experience Sharing: HRM Practices in the Post-Pandemic
- Challenges on HR and Business during the Pandemic
- Preparation for the resumption of business
- Reality check and plans for filling the gap on business and services from HR perspective
- Possible HR measures to regain business competitiveness
- 疫情期間人力資源與業務所面臨的挑戰
- 業務恢復前的準備工作
- 從人力資源的角度出發,檢視實際情況並制定彌補業務和服務差距的計劃
- 恢復業務競爭力的人力資源措施
嘉賓 Guest:
Viola Wong
Director, Human Resources & Administration
Hong Kong Airlines
Prior to joining Hong Kong Airlines, Viola was Assistant Director, HR & Administration of Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Limited and she had served this HK-listed company for more than 18 years. Viola has acquired rich experience of over 25 years in human resources management, talent acquisition, employee engagement, learning and development, and administration management in aviation, manufacturing and retailing industries.
She is currently the Vice President of Hong Kong People Management Association, a professional member of Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management, a fellow member of Hong Kong People Management Association, and has been a mentor of Bachelor of Business Administration Human Resources Management mentoring programme at Hong Kong Baptist University for over 10 years. Viola graduated from The University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor’s degree of Social Sciences.
Viola在加入香港航空之前,曾任職於Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Limited,並在該香港上市公司服務了超過18年。她在航空、製造和零售行業累積了逾25年的豐富人力資源管理、人才招聘、員工參與、學習與發展以及行政管理經驗。
嘉賓主持 Guest Host:
Dr. Felix Yip 葉偉光博士
葉偉光博士具人力資源管理教學及實務經驗。葉博士於2011年起任教於香港浸㑹大學管理學系, 教授人力資源管理相關學科。在加入學術界以前, 葉博土擁有超過25年大中華地區人力資源管理實務及領導經驗, 曾任職的跨國企業集團包括牛奶國際集團、生力啤酒國際大中華區、香港有線電視及寬頻集團、和記黄埔港囗集團、及怡和集團等知名企業。
日期:2023年9月21日 (直播節目,不設重溫)
時間:8:00pm – 9:00pm
售價 : 費用全免 (PROHR Plus會員) ︱ $557.1 (PROHR會員) ︱ $599 (基本會員)
HRCoins最高折扣: 5%
直播工具: Zoom