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甚麼是HR Executive Talk?
HR Executive Talk為一個為HR而設的互動網上節目,我們將定期邀請行內的HR Executive ,就不同人力資源主題分享經驗,或HR個人事業發展的故事。吸收一個又一個的成功經驗,參考他們的成功之道,為HR同行者注入新啟發。參加者亦可於節目中一起討論,發表意見。
Be a New-Gen HR Leader
甚麼是「One Voice」?
如何實踐「Leader Experience Exchange」?
嘉賓 Guest:
Angie Sung
Head of Human Resources, Hong Kong & Macau
Hilti (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Angie is an experienced HR professional with more than 15 years working experience in multi-national companies specializing in organizational development, global talent sourcing and assessment, leadership development and succession planning. She is now working in Hilti (Hong Kong) Ltd as the Head of Human Resources, overseeing the whole HR function. Hilti’s unique culture and career development opportunities have gained worldwide recognition. Great Place to Work® Institute ranked Hilti the 11th World Best Multinational Workplace and Hilti Hong Kong was awarded the “Best Employer” by Kencentric® in 2021.
主持 Host:
Dr. Joey Wan
尹祖伊博士(Dr. Joey Wan) 於香港浸會大學(Hong Kong Baptist University) 工商管理博士班畢業,其核心研究範疇為「創業動機」。他現職彼得.德魯克管理學院(Peter F. Drucker Academy) 首席講師(Chief Drucker Educator)。 在過去10年,不僅為大中華地區不同工商、金融業界及政府、非牟利機構團體提供中高級管理培訓及顧問諮詢服務外,同時也是香港大學專業進修學院(HKU SPACE)客席講師,在商界與學術界皆有獨特而精闢的管理教學與見解。
時間:8:00pm – 9:00pm
售價 : 費用全免 (PROHR Plus會員) ︱ $557.1 (PROHR Member) ︱ $599 (基本會員)
HRCoins最高折扣: 5%
直播工具: Zoom (不設重溫)