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甚麼是HR Executive Talk?
HR Executive Talk為一個為HR而設的定期互動網上節目,我們會邀請行內的HR Executive ,就不同人力資源主題分享經驗,或個人事業發展的故事。吸收一個又一個的成功經驗,為HR同行者注入新啟發。
你有試過轉換到不同行業的HR職位嗎? 你是否認為在某一行業的HR經驗,令你較易找到相同行業的工作,但同時會難以轉換到其他行業發展? 今次HR Executive Talk的嘉賓Brian Wong曾於多個行業發展,任職不同HR崗位,他將為我們分享他如何適應各行業的變化及跨行業職涯發展的經驗。
- HR會因行業經驗而被定型嗎?
- 為甚麼HR需要跨行業發展?
- 對於跨行業人力資源專才,有哪些關鍵技能是必要的?
- 跨行業轉換工作時,我們有甚麼需要留意? 如何開始建立新行業的知識?
- 在新行業開始人力資源職位通常會遇到甚麼挑戰?
- 要創建一個能夠適應各行業變化的人力資源職業生涯,我們必須思考甚麼?
嘉賓 Guest:
Brian Wong
Chief People & Culture Officer
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Brian Wong is a well-rounded HR business partner with experience in overseeing centres of excellence and spearheading talent management, compensation, and organisation-wide initiatives in large multinational organisations such as BASF, Avery Dennison, and Disneyland. He has over 23 years’ experience in HR across multiple industries (such as financial services, professional services, chemicals, supply chain sourcing and tourism), and has taken on a full spectrum of local, regional, and global roles in the mainland and Hong Kong. Armed with these experiences, he is culturally adept and has a good understanding of working with people from diversified backgrounds and nationalities. He has also been involved on global and local initiatives through devising and implementing localised strategies, including employee engagement and retention strategies.
嘉賓主持 Guest Host:
Dr. Keith Chau
- 超過十五年專業顧問服務、行政管理及公開演講經驗
- 專長為不同組織機構設計及主持各類型的策略及人才培訓、管理才能發展、企業承傳及高層管理人員共識計劃
- 現為博士論文導師及考官、澳州酒店學院專項培訓顧問、英國銷售及市場管理學會資深會員、英國企業管理學會資深會員、美國財務管理學會資深會員、美國管理科學社資深會員、英國特許管理學會會員、英國特許市場學會會員、英國特許仲裁學會會員、五常法審核員、國家心理諮詢師等。
時間:8:00pm – 9:00pm
售價 : 費用全免 (PROHR會員)︱ $799* (基本會員)
重溫: PROHR Plus會員可享免費重溫
HRCoins最高折扣: 5%
直播工具: Zoom